Sunday, November 22, 2009

Whose mail was in the CRU FOIA leak?

I've been browsing the leaked CRU email archive and it seemed like it might be useful to try to categorize who the players are - can't tell the players without a scorecard! - So I wrote a ruby script to parse for "From:" lines and account for who sent how many messages.

Rough summary:
The 1073 ".txt" files contain 1557 "From:" lines with 331 unique senders (names after a "From:") , about 1/3rd of which were only in messages quoted within other messages. In a few cases the same name had multiple forms which I binned together - I did this for jones, mann, briffa, and mcintyre. My code is available on request, no FOAI required. :-)

Here are the 331 unique senders along with how many messages each sent:

214 from: p.jones
171 from: michael e. mann
144 from: k. briffa
103 from: jto
80 from: t.osborn
60 from: santer1
45 from: wigley
31 from: m.hulme
21 from: eystein.jansen
19 from: trenbert
18 from: steve mcintyre
16 from: wahl, eugene r
14 from: drdendro
11 from: rahmstorf
10 from: narasimha d. rao; rashit
9 from: thomas.c.peterson; tim osborn
8 from: d.j. keenan; drind; naki; peiser, benny; tcrowley
7 from: gschmidt; mhughes; raymond s. bradley; stepan g. shiyatov;
tatiana m. dedkova
6 from: c.goodess; ipcc-wg1; kevin trenberth; mmaccrac;
peter.thorne; valerie.masson
5 from: john.christy; jonathan overpeck; joos; mick kelly;
susan.solomon; t.d.davies
4 from:
darrell.kaufman; egu2009; esper; j.salinger; j.thorpe;
jean.jouzel; jgr-atmospheres; m.n.juckes; rainer.zahn; rob
wilson; shs; sonja.b-c; wolfgang.cramer
3 from:
anrevk; bard; eduardo.zorita; evag; humphrey, kathryn; itrdb
dendrochronology forum; john p. holdren; johnson; l.b.
klyashtorin; leopold.haimberger; martin.welp; mitchell, john
fb; r k pachauri; ricardo villalba; simon.tett; srutherford;
ssolomon; tamino_9; thomas.r.karl; thompson.4; wang
2 from:
alex haxeltine; anders.moberg; arcticinfo; burgess jacquelin
prof; cawley gavin dr; ccsptemptrendauthors.ncdc; cooke,
barry; crgn143; curt covey; daly; darch, geoff j; davet;
david m. lawrence; david.parker; dian.seidel; eystein
jansen; f034; folland, chris; francis.zwiers; gabi.hegerl;
giorgi; gjjenkins; gruebler; hegerl; hpollack; j.darch; jan
esper; janice darch; john_holdren; jonathan t. overpeck;
keiller, donald; malcolm hughes; mnoguer; olgasolomina;
ottobli; peterwthorne; pielke; ralley; rob.swart;
roger.street; s. fred singer; s.raper; shukla; sp; steig;
stephan singer; sujata gupta; timo.hameranta; tom
1 from:
100713.1311; 101322.3724; a.chappell; a.stephens;
adam.markham; adwhite99; alan; alan.tuck; alcamo; allen;
andras vag; andrea.bleyer; andrew comrie; andrew kerr, wwf
climate change campaign; andrew watson; andy mcleod;
angela.liberatore; armes marcus mr; b.j.peiser; ben
matthews; ben santer; bert.metz; bill.hare; bob.ryan;
bob_keeland; bryson; bsanter; c.g.kilsby; cai; cearsr; choux
mathieu; chris de freitas; christopher.d.miller; christy;
ckeller; clare goodess; claudia.tebaldi; climate; connie
woodhouse; covey1; cramer; curtis covey; d.holland;
d.mccarroll; d.viner; darobin; dave.schimel; david holland;
david willans; david.etheridge; david.helms; david.sexton;
davies trevor prof; denis-didier.rousseau; dlroberts; dndr;
doug.keenan; druid; dschneid; earthgov; edwardcook;
eric.steig; esteig; eugene.r.wahl; f028; f14; farrar, steve;
felzer; fidelgr; franci; fritz.schweingruber; g.mcgregor;
gary; ged.r.davis; geoengineering; georg.kaser; gerner;
gmiller; graham f haughton; griggs, dave; h.self;
hans.von.storch; heinz wanner; herve.letreut; hilst;
hourcade; hvonstorch; i.harris; iain.brown; ian harris;
ifor; info; ipcc wgi tsu; ipccwg2; isaak m. khalatnikov; j.
oerlemans; j.g.shepherd; j.ogden; jain; james hansen;
jansen; jason smerdon; jenkins, geoff; jerry meehl; jesse
smith; jgr-oceans; jhansen; jlean; jmd4; john l. daly;
john.g.shepherd; john.lanzante; jparks; jprospero; juerg
luterbacher; julia uppenbrink; kaiserdp; karl e.taylor;
kathryn.humphrey; keith.alverson; khughen;
killballyowen2003; km_king; kraucunas, ian; kuylenstierna,
j.c.; ljohnson; lkpocd; lucia; luckman; lyndsey.middleton;
m.baillie; m.salmon; mackwell, stephen; mailer-daemon;
martin juckes; martinlutyens; mccarroll d.; mdiepenbroek;
mears; meehl; mick.tiempo; mike hulme; mmunro; mprather;
msalzer; n.bindoff; nick pepin; noaa news releases; nogler;
oescomm; ogden annie ms; olga solomina; oyvind.paasche;
parryml; pedersen; pfrancus; philip.brohan; pitcher, hugh m;
pj valdes, geographical sciences; plattner; polyak.1;
polychronis tzedakis; ppn; prof. dr. lennart bengtsson;
r.baker; rashit hantemirov; rasmus benestad; regalado,
antonio; regentage; richard.tol; richardscourtney;
richardson, catherine; rob.allan; ronald m. lanner; rtp1;
saffron o'neill; schimel; sdecotii; section; sfbtett; simon
j shackley; smith, fiona; smith, g.; smithg; smithg49; ssi
mailbox; stepan; stephen juggins; tara.greaves; tas van
ommen; tas.van.ommen; taylor13; tcjohns; thomas c peterson;
thomas l. delworth; thorne, peter; tignor; tim.carter;
tim.johns; tom wigley; turneychris; ukro.ukro; viva.banzon;
wallace, helen; whetton, peter; wmc; zwiers,francis
